Preemptively excited for SAHCon. 12/18/23

souped man

okay so no getting my hopes up but i might show up (briefly) at a sahcon showcase at some point next year

for those who aren’t in The Know™

sahcon (stay at home con (yes it’s pronounced “sawcon” (ha ha hee hoo))) is a like bi-annual homestuck convention that takes place……. online…… (primarily in vr chat)

they have a neat little vr chat world set up every year that’s basically just a homestuck themed convention center but dialed to eleven

anyway i’m in this one discord server for “threadventures” which takes ten trillion years to explain but this is my YAPPING channel so it’s WARRANTED

okay so earlier this year the mspfa server completely shit itself and died

like FULLY deleted

years of message history gone

once that was partially resolved

the mspfa crew’s years long mismanagement came to a head (people weren’t doing what they were supposed to) and the entire SITE went down

years of data gone

except NOT fully since every adventure was backed up

souped man

which was the most important thing

but like user css and hearts and shit were all gone

and it took grant (site owner) like ten trillion years (maybe like 2-3 months?) to set it back up again

anyway in the meantime the mspfa server was like “so what do we do now”

there were two main options

1. host your own mspfa on neocities via a neat little pack flaringk made that had the css and the html and the like json file already set up

people didn’t really do this one because coding is hard and people don’t like it

i mean

some people did

i tried but i kept fucking it up lmao


2. host your shit on the mspfa server under the NEW THREADVENTURES FORUM SECTION WOW!!!

i can’t really explain the format but like it was just a discord forum

and instead of threads discussing things they were little mspfas

if you wanna read any of them they’re all here

now if you click this link you’ll see this

when mspfa went back up

the threadventure forum channel shut down

because you could just make your mspfas elsewhere

(on mspfa)

but fruzmig (jailbreak^2, video editor?) decided to make a threadventures server

which is just a server dedicated to threadventures

there’s some really good shit there that isn’t up on mspfa for some reason

anyway fruz apparently has a spot for threadventures in an upcoming sahcon showcase

and i submitted two of mine to show up

i completely forgot british rose was a thing that existed so

it’s not gonna show up

    ---- replying to @soupedman "...(primarily in vr chat)..."

Toxic Taco


souped man

it’s been in vr chat like the last 4 times


sawcon my

tomato basin when


Not really necessary, but I kind of misconstrue the history of the Threadventure server here. The Threadventure server was made some time in February, not after MSPFA went back up. Though, it got an incredible boost in patronage once MSPFA went back up and the MSPFA server #threadventures channel was locked.

Also British Rose DID show up. Lol?

this is what the showcase[1]

Elsewhen... 12/22/23

    ---- replying to @soupedman "and i submitted two of mine to show up"

souped man



MY LITTLE MAN………………………..

he’s been longified

skrunkly scrotum

they need to make him fatter

love him tho

souped man


skrunkly scrotum

don’t worry about it